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The Trouble With Being Single.

I am officially the only single girl in the world. At least that’s what it feels like. I am however, the only single girl left out of my friends. That’s not to say they treat me any less of a friend. I’m just saying … I’m the only single girl left out of my friends, and that means I can’t connect with them about certain things. And I obviously won’t be invited to fancy double or even triple dates. But that’s not the trouble with being single.

When you’re the only single person left in your group of friends, you start to see less of them. Because now in addition to them having to balance friends, family, work, hobbies and alone time, they’ve added a significant other into the equation. Text threads are shorter, and happy hours are non-existent. And the time you do get, is usually the time their boyfriend didn’t make plans or their girlfriend is out of town anyway. That’s life, that’s happiness. That’s just the way it goes. But that’s not the trouble with being single.

When everyone else has a significant other, people assume you’re desperate to be in a relationship. The minute you admit to missing someone, is the minute everyone thinks you will be with anyone. You can be alone, but never lonely. They say “Don’t be lonely”. I say stop telling me how to feel. It’s become a sin to want to love and be loved. But that’s not the trouble with being single. 

You can yearn for forehead kisses and holding hands just as much as you relish reading a book alone on the train and taking up the entire bed. You can want a happy ending, whether it’s by yourself or married with four kids and two dogs – as long as you’re happy. You can be sad being single. You can be happy being single. You can be indifferent. You can want to be in a relationship. You can miss being in a relationship. Just don’t let your relationship status define you.

The real trouble with being single, is that for the most part there is no trouble with being single … and some people have trouble believing that. 

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