I’m stepping out the car now, and I can’t see a single familiar face, landmark, or even street sign in sight. I have no idea how we even got here. I just know that we drove fast, with the music up and windows down – without ever looking back.
“We were never meant to be, we just happened.”
Because we made it happen.And nowI can’t figure out if I’m glad they didor not. I just know that I’m glad to have been sitting shotgun next to you. Someone once told me, “It’s not the destination, it’s the journey.” We both have no sense of direction, and I have no idea what lies beyond the horizon. But I do know that it is the end of this road for me.
So you can keep your GPS, you need it more than I do. Because no matter where I am, or where I go, I now know what I want and where I want to end up. But I’ll walk slow in case you change your mind and turn around. And if not – I hope you find whatever it is that you think you’re looking for. Whether it be on some tropical island, some windy city, or in a ‘lil bat cave across the San Mateo Bridge.
Remember. A man is not where he lives but where he loves. And if somewhere along the way you realize that home is with me, you’re more than welcome to stop by. Just don’t be surprised if someone who always knew where they wanted to be answers the door for me.
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