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Thanks, Captain.

The other day Jey asked me, “You ever have those moments where you’re reminded of why you’re with someone?” before praising his wife. Thankfully, I do. 

I remember having a really tough week at my previous job. Granted, I hated the place and my boss treated me like shit, so every week was a tough week. But it was an exceptionally tough week. I was reaching my boiling point, and was on the brink of quitting without having a new job lined up. My patience was non-existent, and I was having meltdowns more frequently. I was complaining all the time, and my partner took the blunt of this. 

One day as I was wrapping up, I refreshed my email to do one last check before I left work. On the very top of my inbox forwarded from my boyfriend’s account was a subject title that read: FWD: Your San Francisco Giants Opening Day Starter Pack. Soon after, I received a text from him saying “Did you check your email? I know you’ve been having a tough time lately. This is the only thing I know that makes you happy”. There I was suffocating him with my bad vibes, and there he was buying me tickets to Giants games. I felt horrible and grateful at the same time. 

There was another instance I remember vividly. It was a Sunday night, and I was still at this horrible job. We were in bed, and the later it got the more anxiety built up inside of me knowing I was getting closer and closer to having to go to work the next morning. Without warning, I burst into tears. Instead of freaking out, he acknowledged that he was unaware it bothered me this much and held me while I cried. He said words, but never told me what to do. In that instant I knew what to do: never let go of this man. 

Truth be told, this same man drives me fucking nuts from time to time. He is imperfect, he loses his patience. Sometimes he yells, and sometimes he makes mistakes. He procrastinates, and always fails to put his clothes in the hamper. However, one thing he never fails to do is calm my storms. And you need that shit. It’s one thing to have your partner be the sunshine after the rain, but it’s another to have them be there during the storm. 

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