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>Tender Thursdays


>Hi. OK. So I’m gonna try something new today. ‘Cuz I’ve been having a disgustingly good week so I wanna spread the gay before it runs out.

If yall didn’t know by now, I am the MOST tender. But it’s very selective, and only those really close to me ever truly see just how much. Yah, I wah and swoon and write sappy shit on here from time to time but this is different.

A few years ago I went on a venting rampage with one of my co-workers and she suggested I do an exercise that she learned during a spiritual masseuse course she took (yah, I have no idea either but whatever). It entailed that whenever I’m having a bad day (or maybe it was simply everyday?) I write a list of at least 10 things that: I am proud of, appreciate, or make me happy, in an attempt to remind myself that no matter how unfair life may seem, I still have plenty to be grateful for.

I thought it was stupid but I made my list anyway. And then I cried afterwards lol. I was heartbroken at the time, so all it did was make me feel ungrateful that I was still sad despite all the amazing people and wonderful things I had in my life. If you’ve went “through it” before, then you’ll know what I’m talking about. The walls could collapse around you and still nothing could be as bad as the feeling in your heart.

But if you’re just having a bad day and need a chi check, or even if you’re having an amazing day and just want to reconfirm how awesome life is, then I definitely suggest you start writing! Here’s mine (just 5) for today in case yall needed a head start:

1) I just realized that I’ve been running 34 blocks during my weekly beach runs. That’s probably nothing to hardcore runners, but in my personal opinion that is AMAZING. Woo-hoo, “Let me see if you can run it run it, Boy indeed I can run it run it …” lol. 2) One word: CHEESK 3) I have a gang of lunch dates with old friends in the next couple of weeks, and I’m just glad that amidst all this growing up and outta touch we’ve all still found some time to catch up. 4) The Giants are playing today! 5) My baby cousin Isaiah NEVER fails to put a smile on my face. I am absolutely in love with him. He’s made the screen saver of my phone for 3 months in a row now and all I have to do is watch a video of him laughing or cooing and I’m automatically at peace.

What’s on your list today? I’d love to hear it!


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