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Reasonable Doubt.

When it comes to relationships, we all make stupid decisions every now and then. I remember receiving an email from a guy I used to date while I still had a boyfriend. It started off with the normal, “How are you, haven’t seen you in years” small-talk, but then quickly turned into reminiscing about nights we spent together. When I didn’t reciprocate his flirtatious advances he asked, “You got a boyfriend now or something?”

I let him know that I still worked for the Chronicle, still had my white Del Sol, and asked how our boy Chris was doing, but totally ignored the question. I had no intention of cheating on my boyfriend, and ended the conversation there. Yet, I had no idea why I didn’t just flat out say YES, I have a boyfriend. Oh, but it gets better. Somehow my boyfriend hacked into my account and read that email. And as much as I wanted to yell at him for being so insecure, I couldn’t blame him.

People can be funny. They’re even funnier when they’re in relationships. To this day, I’m still not sure why I didn’t tell the truth. I want to say that I wanted to leave the door open and keep him as an option in the event things didn’t work out, but I don’t think I would’ve hooked back up with him even if I was single. I was just. STUPID.

There are just some things we can’t explain. Sometimes we have no reason for doing them. But if you’re going to ruin a good thing,  you better have a good reason for it.

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