Sometimes I have absolutely NOTHING to say. I hear crickets in my brain, and see tumbleweed floating around. Sometimes I have TOO MUCH to say, and I can’t organize my thoughts in an engaging manner. And then SOMETIMES, I just want to rhyme lol. Because it’s easier, and I’m a cheater. Maybe when I’m less brain dead I’ll write a real “Life After Death” post. I saved this one for today so yall can marinate on it during the weekend. Happy Friday everyone 🙂
“There is life after death, For those of you who ask For those of you still haunted, By the ghost of ex’s past
It will be long and treacherous, The road that lies ahead But in order to feel alive, One must first feel dead
It’s ok to shake your head, And think I don’t know what’s going on But I promise you, I was just like you, And felt no reason to go on
There’s days where you feel hopeful, Then days you’re just “OK” Then those days you go to sleep at night, And pray God takes you away
And then one morning you’ll wake up, And for no reason at all You’ll feel like today, is the big day, To no longer feel so small
You look around to see whose left, And see the faces of all your friends You smile, They smile, You think, They think: “To hell and back again”
I’m not saying you’ll forget the pain, For that would be a lie Because you’ll always remember your lowest days, During those times you touch the sky
Nothing will ever be the same, Once you’ve had a broken heart But know now nothing will ever be as bad, So be thankful for that part
Just remember you’re stronger than you think, And there will eventually be someone new To love you better, to love you harder, To breathe life back into you
So when you feel like hope is gone, And there’s nothing else left Remember I am still alive, To prove there is life after death”