Gucci, Gucci, Louie, Louie, Fendi, Fendi, Prada. Those are just some of my favorite labels. But my favorite one of all? Girlfriend.
Yeah I said it, even if it does scare off the entire male population and send the female race back 10 years. I rather you assume I’m some lovesick puppy in dire need of a relationship than lie to myself about my own feelings. Many people, women especially will say they don’t care about titles but I promise you they do.
The denial usually stems from the woman trying to come off as nonchalant in the beginning of a potential relationship in hopes of being seen as a “cool,” no-fuss kinda girl. Or her simply not expecting to fall so hard. No one ever plans on falling in love you know.
The truth is, some women actually don’t care about titles … until they start to care about YOU. I am one of these women.
If I’m investing my time, energy, money, sex, love, and emotions into you, after a certain point I’m not going to want to share you with anyone else and I simply hope you’d feel the same. However, this doesn’t mean that just because I like you, time is ticking away on signing that boyfriend/girlfriend contract. It has to come naturally, and it will if it’s meant to be.
Obviously, slapping “in a relationship” on your Facebook doesn’t guarantee fidelity either. Reading Rach’s post about titles reminds me of how close to nothing holds value nowadays. Some women don’t give a fuck if you’re wearing a wedding ring, and telling a dude, “Sorry I have a boyfriend,” is equivalent to saying you’re single. So then what’s the point of having labels if people are just gonna peel them off when an attractive enough offer comes along?
I really don’t know. Some say it just complicates things. Some say it only adds pressure on a relationship that was otherwise perfect. Some say it’s unnecessary. And this all can be true. Whatever works, long as BOTH people in the relationship feel the same (i.e. Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn).
I personally feel that if you act like you’re boyfriend and girlfriend already, usually anything less is just an excuse to be able to have all the perks of being in a relationship without having the responsibility or consequences of being in one. Besides, I would want the man I’m involved with to think, “Fuck yeah, that’s my woman,” anyway. Call me old-school, call me petty, but for lack of better words making it “official” just makes me feel better. While “taken,” is a label that’s free, the peace of mind it can offer is priceless.