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Happy TGIF!

Let me just preface by saying last nights WS game 6 was RIDONK. Granted I only “watched” it via At Bat Lite because I was at a SBTRKT show, but I was able to catch the last two innings and that alone was bananas. I can’t help but think of what I was doing, and who I was spending my time with exactly a year ago. The mood and atmosphere was so different. I barely got any sleep, Underdogs was my second home, I was always going home early from work to catch the game, I was wearing the same jersey for two weeks, and black and orange didn’t represent Halloween. It’s definitely bittersweet. Especially with today being the last day my SF Giants will be reigning champs. But you already know Gigantes por vida! Can’t wait to see how things shape up for next season.

Sorry for stealing your thunder last year Halloween, you can have it back now. I’ve always made my costumes but this year I just wasn’t feeling it. Rather my wallet wasn’t feeling it, so I’ll just have to succumb to the stereotypical slutty “insert noun here”. Have as fun of a weekend as yall can while still being safe!

Disney's Snow White

Jeyel says it's close enough lol.

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