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Foodie Fridays.


This is me on the regular, on the days when I’m not toasting at a sports bar, or eating Bon-Chon. When I actually have a kitchen to cook in, and easy access to a grocery store. I used to be all about that life, and then I moved, fell into a slump, and found myself making excuses for things that used to be important to me, because other things (like a fucking job and apartment) took priority. I’m still working on all of the above, but am slowly working on getting my fitness back on track. Not because summer is right around the corner, but because I’m fucking fat.

OK, not fat. But definitely not happy with the current state of my body. For the first time ever, I’m ashamed to wear a bikini. I used to live in those dammit! So I’ve been cutting down on carbs (practically eliminated them all together), and alcohol (exception for date night at Perbacco!). I don’t drink soda anyway, and the only excessive sugar intake I get is in my coffee, so I think I should be OK as long as I keep it up.

Anyway, I follow a few fitness accounts on Instagram including My Healthy Dish and decided to try out a few of her recipes. The first one being mock shrimp and pineapple fried rice with quinoa.

The first time I cooked this, it was pretty meh. I made the mistake of adding the egg to the pan before the quinoa instead of letting it cook first, so it turned into mush. However, I re-heated the  mixture the next morning and added another egg (separately cooked) and green onions, and it was deelish!

The other recipe I attempted was stuffed chicken breast, which was yummy but a bit dry. If I were to make it again, I would add more cheese and pesto, and not leave it in as long. I accompanied it with a mashed baked potatoes, and just a little bit of pepper and butter.


Other than that, I’m on Day 14 of the 30 Day Squat challenge you see on my IG account. Now if only I could stop eating fried chicken skin.

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