Since Halloween falls on hump-day this year I found it only appropriate to write about nurses, and school girls, and french maids oh my! It’s no secret that Halloween is supposedly the one day out of the year a girl can dress like a slut and get away with it. But that doesn’t mean you have to put away the costumes once it’s November. I’ve always wanted to role-play, but never quite got the guts to. However, upon taking a poll I now know what I will dress up as once I do. Below are the top three sexiest female costumes according to the ten men I surveyed in the room with me just now, and my theories as to why they’re so popular. If your favorite picks aren’t here please add them to the list!
French Maid: The toppers for this outfit are the feather duster, and head piece. I think men in general like the idea of someone catering to them, what more someone in fishnet thigh highs with their tits hanging out? While it may be corny to include a fake french accent during role play, I’m sure sounding like Marion Cotillard doesn’t hurt.
Sexy Nurse: Although she doesn’t have a stethoscope in this specific picture, I think it’s imperative for role-play. Nurses are known to be giving, selfless individuals , which is why I believe men love this costume so much. It infers them being taken care of and waited on hand and foot.
Naughty School Girl: No matter how cliche this costume may be, it seems to never get old. And no school girl outfit is complete without pig-tails. Gotta have the pig-tails! Even if your girl is the same age as you, pig-tails can make her seem young and innocent … and perfect for you to take advantage of, and corrupt in the bedroom.
As for me? Due to budget restrictions I kept it classy this year (I never knew how expensive it was to look cheap). Click after the jump to see what I came up with!
Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly in Breakfast At Tiffany’s!
