Men are fucking stupid. The smart ones will admit to that.
Some guys are just plain, old dense. This unfortunately is a little more forgiving. You can’t help but feel sorry for them walking around like a big oaf doot-do-dooing, and not knowing any better. Then there are those that just play dumb. We spend all this time with them, we show hints of jealousy, we care about things we shouldn’t care about, we cuddle after sex, we cook them breakfast in the morning, and ask how their day went at night. We buy them gifts, we remember their favorite food, we make future plans, include them in ours, and in our minds make it more than obvious we’re feelin them.
Yet we’ll still get a, “I didn’t know you felt that way about me,” response when we ask, “So what are we doing?” *blank stare* FUCK OUTTA HERE!
But see, women are just as bad because we think we’re smart. We think that if we play it “cool,” we’ll with these men over. We continue to have fun until it stops being fun, despite knowing deep down inside that it’s more than just “having fun” for us. We hold back our feelings, and bite our tongues not because we want to, but because we think it’s right. Because somewhere down the line, hearing him say “Oh man, she’s hella chill,” has superseded the complete truth. Then, we expect these guys to know how we really feel based on the fact that we texted them a smiley face.
Regardless of if the man you think you’re dating (but aren’t actually dating according to him) is dumb or just playing dumb, to avoid the unnecessary, state your intentions the second they become your intentions – word to Bereolaesque. Just. fucking. tell him.
Just tell him you like him, or that it bothers you that he sees other girls, or that you want to cross that line and take it there. Whatever. The worse that can happen is he says “I’m sorry, but I don’t feel the same way.” It may sting for a few hours, but I swear that’s the worst of it. Play it smart, eliminate “the dumb card.”