I am forever in my head. Telling myself things I need to hear, and especially telling myself things I don’t need to hear. Telling myself the wrong truths, and especially telling myself the harshest lies. I have this game I like to play. One where I want to win, yet sabotage myself any and every chance I get.
The rules: Two teams: you and the opponent. He can have other teammates, but he doesn’t need to tell you. You can have other teammates, but you don’t want to.
How to Play: Your opponent should show minimal effort. You know, just enough to stay in the game. Not enough to make a commitment to play until the end, but just enough to give a dog a bone (my bad, forgot to mention you’re the dog). Just enough for you to blame yourself whenever a bad play is called, or they cheat. Just enough for you to think there’s a chance. Just enough for you to turn the inch into a mile.
Do not pass GO – but you will go everytime you know you shouldn’t. Do not collect $200 – only excuses. The game ends … when you have a broken heart. I played this game with the last guy I was seeing. He won. Extra bonus point for him, because he didn’t even know he was in the game.