I never thought you could change a man. I wasn’t that naive now. But I did use to think there was a way you can make him be faithful.
That if you did certain things like cook for him, buy him things, and fuck him good – that he wouldn’t stray. And that if you didn’t do certain things like nag, smother, or complain – that he wouldn’t cheat.
But the thing is … you can’t make anyone, what more a man, do anything.
Because if a man wants to cheat? No 5-course meal will keep him satisfied. No shiny, new toy will keep him interested. And like I once heard before, no sex is better than new sex. Because if a man wants to cheat? HE WILL CHEAT. No matter how long yall been together, no matter what you two have been through. No matter how fly you are, and no matter how hard you stay holding him down.
“Because a man is only a man, nothing less. Nothing more.”
So. If you want to ask him why he hasn’t texted you all day when he normally does but wanna act like it doesn’t bother you? If you want to question why there’s something “odd” on his coffee table that wasn’t there the last time you stayed over but don’t wanna seem like it’s sweatin you? If you want to tell him you miss him but don’t because you’re trying to act like you don’t care? If you want to act a little irrational, but hold it all in for fear of being accused of “trippin”? You might as well just do it. Then at least, even if he was lying to you, you wouldn’t be lying to yourself.
Or you could just not let it stress you either way. Because if he’s going to cheat? He’s going to cheat anyway.
::P.S. I am WELL aware that women cheat too. There’s nowhere in this post I say they don’t. Not only do I know they cheat, but sometimes they do it better. If there is such a thing as “good cheating,” lol. Don’t worry, I’ll save that for another post.::