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A Friend Like Me.

I’ve said this a million fucking times – my friends are incredible. So much that I often wonder what on Earth I could’ve possibly done to deserve them. Surely, I don’t do enough. There’s rarely a moment when one of them isn’t paying for my dinner, or giving me a ride home somewhere. My friends are everything I’m not. Everything I wish I could be. And they always stick up for me when I bully myself

I often question how good of a friend I am. I look at the things I’m not able to do for the people I care about, and feel inadequate – even horrible at times. Until someone was a shitty friend to me. 

It took me a while to realize this too. Again, I looked at the things they did for me that I wasn’t able to do for them and felt I was the one who was lacking. But they always spot me when I can’t afford brunch. But they always offer to drive when we go out. Then, I realized that if this is what I was basing their friendship on, it meant they could be replaced with a paycheck and new tires. 

And so I ask you this: How have you been a good friend today? Are you a good friend? How can you be better? Would you want to be your friend if you met you?

I can’t promise I’ll ever be as good of a friend as I’d like to be, but I can promise to never make you feel as if you can’t come to me for my friendship. I may not be able to pick you up in a shiny new car, but I will always ride shotty with you in this journey called life. I may not always be able to spot you for Happy Hour, but I will always fade in on laughter. And I may never be able to loan you money, but I swear to never let you feel alone.

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